No matter what you’ve heard, the intention of most writers’ blogs is to
create a professional looking online presence to assist in gaining interest from
people in the publishing industry. You
see, blogging is part of a writer’s platform.
If you’re not sure what a platform is, check my last blog post.
I started blogging to be able to say in all honesty that I did
everything in my power to get published.
Though it would have been prudent to check all options, I went directly
to Blogger. In truth, I’m envious of a
lot of other blog templates, namely Wordpress.
If you’re thinking of starting up a blog, do your research. Don’t be shy about asking for advice if you
see a writer’s blog that you really love.
Writers are extremely supportive of each other.
Research indicates that it is imperative to post at regular intervals
to keep your followers’ interest, and it’s equally important to know your
audience. I chose to post every Monday
morning but I had no idea about my audience.
I didn’t have a clue where to begin.
The description of my blog became Musings
of a Writer. That enabled me to
write about a variety of topics.
Visitors to a blog can tell a lot about the writer by the information
provided on their site and the tone of the posts. I guarantee that a regular follower of your
blog will know you as well as they’d know a friend.
Your blog is a good place to showcase your published short stories or
excerpts from novels. You are building
your identity with readers. I provided
links on my blog to some of my early online-published stories. Recently, after reading a couple of them, I
took them off the site. Hopefully, that
means my writing has improved. However, they
still make a presence on my Bloggers stats. People are still reading and enjoying them. Stats don’t actually show that they are being
enjoyed, I made up that part.
Speaking of stats, I think mine are crazy. No way could my blog have had that many
hits. Probably 90% spammers. Everything I’ve read says not to pay
attention to numbers. Whether it’s hits
on your blog or Likes on your Facebook page.
Fehghedabouddit. Stats are not to
be believed. That’s another thing for
bloggers to accept – there are a number of occurring and recurring technical
difficulties. L
In my opinion, there are more pros than cons to having a blog. Over a year ago, one of my posts (an
interview with an author) led to a monthly magazine column. In the last few months, a portion of the
magazine has been available online. These
links to my columns are now on my blog site.
Just in case you check them out, this is a smart-ass opinion column and
not at all, I repeat, not at all indicative of my writing style for my
crime/suspense novels.
Admittedly, on my blog site I have provided short stories that could be
greatly improved and magazine columns that are not an example of my writing
style. It sounds like I’m instructing writers
on how not to set up their blog sites.
Here’s more advice from someone who would rather write a novel than a blog
Stay focused and Keep your eye on the goal ... then you’ll have
something to blog about J
I also agree Wordpress is pretty darn good!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy reading your blogs, keep em comin'
Thanks Stacy. I know writers who have switched to Wordpress. It's a process, to be sure. Don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I think I'd rather work on my novel...