Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Accepted for Anthology

Good News! Soldier’s Last Wish will be included in an anthology, Best of Commuterlit Volume 1, to be released in September.
It almost never happened. It began as a writer’s nightmare – the one in which your work has been accepted but the publisher can’t reach you. Emails are lost, landline phone is not working. This is the third email we’ve sent. Respond immediately if you are interested. Yikes!
Commuterlit will be publishing two print anthologies of some of the best stories and poems from their archives. Volume 2 is scheduled for release in December.
Commuterlit.com is an ezine that posts a new short story, novel excerpt or poem each day from Monday to Friday, specially formatted to read on a mobile device (smart phones, iPads, Blackberries). Of course, you can also access the stories and poems from the www.CommuterLit.com website at any time. Perfect for that morning coffee break!
Their focus is on works of fiction or poetry that can be enjoyed during a 20 to 30 minute public-transit commute to work. It’s a mix of not only literary fiction, but sci fi, fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller, and romance. If you write, check out their Submissions Guidelines.
This is my third acceptance for an anthology. Simone Press in the U.K. selected my story, Culling of a Nation, for their anthology Indie Trigger - Short Stories (May 2012) that is available on Amazon.
Culling of a Nation, described by writing guru Brian Henry as ‘wonderfully macabre’, was recently posted on his Quick Brown Fox website http://quick-brown-fox-canada.blogspot.ca/ If you don’t follow this blog, you should. Here’s the link for my story, Culling of a Nation http://quick-brown-fox-canada.blogspot.ca/2013/07/culling-of-nation-short-story-by.html
As luck would have it, two of my stories, The Legend of Hallowed Ground and Twilight Imagery, will appear in a third anthology, A River Runs By It, to be launched in October of this year.
 Of my four anthology picks, Soldier’s Last Wish is about ... well, imagine ... never mind, I’ll give too much away. As the saying goes, read the book.
Culling of a Nation is termed speculative fiction ‒ frightening because it is so close to reality.
The stories from the anthology A River Runs By It are about the area where I live. The first story, The Legend of Hallowed Ground tells the history of a church that was on our property for over a hundred years and how we came to discover it. Nothing scary about that. It’s not like there was a cemetery here. I mean, we’d know if there was a cemetery – right?
The second story selected for this anthology, Twilight Imagery, is spooky. More so, because it is a true story. Past life regression? It has been suggested. I’ll wait to see what you think.


  1. Cool news! Glad third attempt to contact made it through...but probably not as much as you :)

  2. You've got that right! Do you think I missed out on the sale of one of my novels? Nah, probably not. If a publisher is that persistent with a short story, then a registered letter would be forwarded concerning a book. Oops, there's the mailman now. ;)

    1. Don't know what the glitch could've been, unless they went to your spam folder? I have an email address dedicated to submissions and official publisher/publishing 'stuff' which makes it easier to check the spam folder, which rarely gets anything.

    2. I just finished writing a blog about some of the problems. I've had a hard time leaving a comment on your blog the last couple of days. If I use the profile Google Account, it won't accept it. I've tried many times. It will only accept my blog address. I signed up to have your blog emailed to me. Thanks for the gadget and I'm sure others will use it.

  3. This is wonderful news, Phyllis! Great things are happening and I'm so happy for you.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Thanks Mike! I learned early on to celebrate every success.
